
Maximized Healthy Living (MHL)

Maximized Healthy Living (MHL)

Become your best version of yourself

This course will give you proven, biblical understanding, habits and keys to become your best version of yourself. This will enable you to make the best, most wise fruitful decisions & choices in your life to maximize and optimize the most important outcomes in your life and relationships. To achieve this, it will require your receptivity to the Scriptures and the Holy Spirit to reveal, deal and heal any broken and self-limiting areas of your life. The ultimate goal is to enable you to become an emotionally healthy person which equals true spirituality.

  • Course meets monthly on Zoom, for a three hour teaching session from March 2025 – March 2026
  • Requires participation in a weekly 1 hour cohort session via Zoom
Heart-Healthy Leadership (HHL)

Heart-Healthy Leadership (HHL)

Flourish as a leader while nourishing others

This course is designed to grow the total student with Biblical balance in their entire being so they can flourish as a leader while nourishing others to reach their highest potential. You will establish healthy, biblical practices in your leadership platform to avoid violating others. “Love does no harm to the person it influences and leads. (Rom. 13:10). This course enlightens, confronts & heals the student in areas where hidden, unresolved issues could potentially sabotage your highest & best productivity & fruitfulness as a leader.

  • Course meets monthly on Zoom, for a three hour teaching session from March 2025 – March 2026
  • Requires participation in a weekly 1 hour cohort session via Zoom
Developing Leadership Potential (DLP)

Developing Leadership Potential (DLP)

Discover and develop your leadership potential

This course will help you to discover and develop your leadership potential and practices. We will understand how the Holy Spirit develops a leader, the levels of leadership, how emotional health and spirituality relate, to increase your ability to hear from God and how your God-given personality and inner wiring impacts your leadership. The student will mature as a healthier, life-balanced, self-aware person with a God-centered identity, who is more easily led by the Holy Spirit to receive vision and advance the kingdom of God. This course was formerly called SOPM or PLA.

  • Course meets monthly on Zoom, for a three hour teaching session from March 2025 – March 2026
  • Requires participation in a weekly 1 hour cohort session via Zoom
Advanced Leadership Practices (ALP)

Advanced Leadership Practices (ALP)

This course will assist the leader in finding healthy, Biblical balance in their personal relationships, devotional life, stewardship life, and ministry life as well. The student will learn to increase their capacity to flourish and sustain a high level of functioning in each of these four quadrants. ALP will work to expose, uproot and heal in areas of the heart where imbalance and hidden dysfunction exist, producing discord in life and diminished usefulness to God. The ultimate goal is to utilize readings, prayer, discussions and practical exercises to intertwine profound spiritual formation, emotional/mental/physical health and robust, ministry growth.

Previous completion of SOPM, PLA or DLP course required

  • Course meets monthly on Zoom, for a three hour teaching session from March 2025 – March 2026
  • Requires participation in a weekly 1 hour cohort session via Zoom